Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Summer, Play ball!

Yup, it's summer--maybe not officially, but definitely by the weather and the sports! We're hot into ball season--Callie, Cloey, Hannah and Libby--3 teams to follow, lots of popcorn to buy. Doesn't seem possible that Callie is an official t-baller this year. She's so little (and so darn cute, I might add.) Cloey is so "grown up"--you can tell she's been around the t-ball ring before--she is so much more mature this year and really a very good player. Hannah has moved up to softball with the 2nd-4th graders and looks pretty little out there on the field among the bigger players. And Libby is one of the big girls and always fun to watch how much they have improved. But with June also comes the "real" start of other truly "summer" things. It means the fair is coming and lots of work this next month to get ready for it.. It means I put up my June-July Cricut display at MB the other day and I wish I had twice the space, there's so many "cricut" diecuts out there to make! So here's to June and summer and hot weather and daily ball games and lots of summer pictures to scrapbook later. It doesn't get any better than this!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

An Amazing Week!

Earlier this month, I went to KC with T,M, and Jenna and together with my sister-in-law Betsey , we were the Grandma, Aunt Nannys for a week. What fun we had as the "2 Crazy ladies with the Crazy little kid" as we labeled ourselves right from the start. We are "experts" on navigation, the "alphabet games", nature hikes, zoos and "pick'n up paw, paws--putt' um in your pockets!
Here are just a few of the "hundreds" of pics of our crazy little kid. What a fun week we had with you, Jenna!!

Do all Zoos really have Blue Frogs??

So, I was just wondering---do all zoos
really have BLUE Frogs, Do the goats have Indigestion?, Are the sea lions really showing off for us? I have just made my 2nd Grandma trip to a zoo THIS season already and countless others in the past--and I am to the point where I really need to look deeper into "the animals" and all the "things" about them. A couple weeks ago it was the KC zoo with Jenna and my sister-in-law. The blue frogs were there, as were the sea lions (top left, below--or was their's the bottom left, below--take your pick).
The goats were there, as were the tigers

and lions . Then this week it was the DM Blank zoo with Hannah's 1st grade class and--you guessed it--the goats, lions, tigers and Blue frogs were there, too.
You get so you compare the "habitats" of each zoo--which are most "natural", the "cleanest", the best "smelling". But all in all, at the end of the day, it turns out what you remember most is the fun you had with the "kids" (no, not goat kids) in your life! For some reason, you never out grow or get bored with a good zoo trip! Especially if you go for all the right reasons--to have a fantastically fun time with the special people in your life.--and I will always love the Blue frogs!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Cricut Wall

The Cricut wall is Done! Doesn't look very big in the picture, but it really is quite the spread. So far getting rave reviews, with lots of "cricut" interest. The board is covered in fabric and then has plastic over it, so I can just Tape the "critters" on it and they'll come off easily. The new job is Fantabulous!!
Way too many temtations, though. At any rate, will enjoy every minute. Lots of fun people to work with--of course, they are Scrap booking people, so what should I expect!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Kind of quiet one for us. But the week ahead will be very busy, so I should just enjoy today. Been working on a "Cricut" wall for MB--see creations above. I had that job before I even got my paid job there. I'm going to feature a lot of my "Cricut Creatures"--starting with spring (because aren't we so ready for spring??) and featuring mostly the "Walk in my Garden" Cartridge.
I survived my first days of "work" there and really loved every minute. What a change from "nursing"!!! A really FUN change. Now looking forward to my "spring break" in May when I spend a week with Jenna and Betsey in KC and Overland Park while Trent and Megan look for houses. We're planning a week of Fun things that only a 3 yr. old, A Grandma and a Great Aunt can appreciate. So until later, hope the Easter Bunny gave you lots of chocolate eggs--Happy Easter.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today was a changing day in my life and others!

It's been a GREAT day for me and I hope for my sister-in-law too--as she had one of those birthday's ending in 0! Those use to always be the hardest. However, I have discovered that there are even more adventures in the next decade and sometimes life just gets better. I am a year + older that B is and today I started a NEW job! It wasn't out of necessity--it's my dream FUN job that pays and has benefits.(though not the type most people work for--you know Insurance, retirement, etc.) I got a job at a Scrapbook store--my favorite SB store and I didn't even have to seek it out on my own. Now, as most of you know, I always thought I might apply there when I got closer to retirement in a year or two, but when the owners approached ME and asked if I'd like to work there part time, I couldn't resist the offer. And so today, after 40 + years in nursing (No I did not give up my day job), I'm working in retail--What a change, What a nice change.
Like I said, I kept my nursing job, as the pay at this new job is far from Great, but the in store benefits and perks will really come in handy at feeding my sometimes very expensive habit! Besides now I have an excuse to go to Ankeny and get away. I call it my "other" world. My calendar now looks like a toddlers color book. I just hope I don't miss something in the mess. I believe I'll look for a slightly bigger one soon.( with much more writing space by the dates!).